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Cereals Canada outlines research priorities for next five years

October 20, 2022  By Top Crop Manager

Cereals Canada has launched the latest edition of the National Wheat Research Priorities document, released in partnership with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC).

The document outlines Cereals Canada’s vision and targets to guide research in the Canadian wheat industry through to 2028. It will serve as a tool to communicate and link market signals with industry opportunities and research goals and objectives, while still recognizing the importance of regional differences. The initiative is led by Cereals Canada director of crop protection and production Krista Zuzak, and Felicitas Katepa-Mupondwa, director of research, development, and technology for AAFC, who serve as co-chairs. The report was developed with more than 70 researchers, industry and value chain members contributing to the six themes.

“This initiative brings together the value chain and research institutions to share knowledge, build networks, and create synergies,” said Zuzak in a statement. “We saw more than 75 research projects completed under the last set of priorities, which was released in 2020.”


Participants from across the value chain have been involved in the process since the inaugural report was released in 2016. Divided into working groups, they determine the outcomes, key targets, and commitments to the industry. This year, a sixth working group was formed to focus the theme of wheat nutrition.

“The addition of nutrition research in the priorities report really showcases the vision and leadership of the working groups,” said Zuzak. “Having wheat nutrition included puts a focus on the importance of wheat – the original plant-based protein – in one’s diet.”


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